Children, especially girls, just love to play “The Store”. Yes, you yourself, for sure, remember how, being small, laid out in the courtyard of a pebble and everything that is in their pockets, and with an important view offered “goods” in exchange for money-leaves. And what an interesting game becomes if you make a cash register with your own hands!

It seems funny, but this simple game develops a lot of useful abilities: enriches the vocabulary, teaches counting and communication skills.

To create a ticket office, you will need:

  • Cardboard box
  • Calculator
  • Scissors
  • Sleeve from paper towels
  • Plastic container
  • Glue
  • Scotch
  • Pencils, pens, markers

How to do?

First of all, cut out a hole in the box, the size of the dial of the calculator.

Now take the cardboard sleeve and make a longitudinal section in it. We glue the tube to the box – it will simulate a fiscal printer.

Also, you can make billets for checks or cut out the numbers from the cardboard, then compile the final purchase amount from them and insert it into the cash register.

From the narrow side of the box, we cut another hole, into which a plastic container can fit freely, it will be a locker for money.

Using a tape, attach the calculator to the back of the box so that the buttons are in the hole.

We paint the cash register in your favorite color and decorate to your taste.

We lay out the goods in places, install the machine and open the store! 🙂

A fun game!

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