It has long dreamed daughter to tie blouse in a color of the rainbow, and finally turned to implement the desired


2. Iris used strings and the hook number


3 .knitting scheme


4. The size is calculated in such a way that adds 20 cm. Data on volume of waist circumference and shoulder. It can be more, then the assembly will be more magnificent. The number of rows of each color = 5. The first color is red, 1 row knit according to the scheme 1, it is useful to us at the end of the assembly. Knit in a circle. The height of each row of about 1 cm. So it is possible to increase or decrease the height of the sweaters by decreasing and increasing the number of rows


5. 2,3,4,5 number Prov Yaz vat scheme 2, preseeding strand orange and knit 2 glad scheme 2. Then distribute yoke so as to obtain a basis for the sleeves and sweaters.


6. 3,4,5 number range form the basis of sweaters and knitted scheme 2


7. Next, attach the thread yellow and provyazyvaem 1,2,3,4,5 series in Scheme 2


8. Thus the scheme 2provyazyvaem each color number to 4ryada purple. 5 number of trailing purple and beauty can be linked to by any scheme fringe, I knitted pattern “fan” At the end of the first series of sweaters I stretched rubber band. You can drag the tape if you wish.



courtesy: stranamasterov