Let’s make quilling flower fairy girl. In the work, I used strips from 1.5 to 3 mm.
The process of work. The picture was pasted into a file and a lock behind a string “increased” hair
On the lower layer of hair glued curls. If the main hair I made from strips 3 mm wide, then the top from 3 to 1.5 mm ..
There’s one side with curls, and the other is not. The difference you see?
In the contour qwillenge made a dove.
Released through the printer one more picture (on paper for watercolor), cut out the head and part of the hair. She dyed her hair.
I stuck the hair to my head.
So, as my girl’s hair turned out to be a little more voluminous than in the figure, the dove, hand and back which I made in the contour qwillenge, circled separately.
We put our head …… we plan where the hand will be ..
I stuck my head.
Thank you!
courtesy: stranamasterov