Dear Master, I want to offer a small MC for the production of cottage layout. Residential house is made of cardboard and is a two-storey house with a balcony, terrace, winter garden, garage and outputs on both sides.
To make the layout of a country apartment house, we need to have: a sheet of hardboard size 45 x 32 cm, thick cardboard from the boxes, white cardboard, duplex paper cherry and blue-gray color, printed textures of stone on the foundation, paving stones, tiles on the terrace on the roof tiles , latex paint pink stationery knife, glue “Titan”, a ruler, a pencil. You can get to work …
Making walls of the house: on the solid cardboard boxes to draw a wall of the house: 22 x 11cm – 2 pieces; pentagon – 18 x 11cm with the highest point – 20 cm – 2 pieces.
Cut parts, stationery knife, glue around the perimeter. Paste over the wall with a thin white cardboard and painted in pink color.
Enclosed with balcony 4 x 11cm – 2 pieces, 13 x 11cm with the highest point – 16cm – 2 parts, floor – 3.5 x 12cm. Slots balcony window size:. 3.5 x 7 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm Merge walls, gluing floor of the balcony. A paste of white cardboard. Painted in pink color. Inside the balcony, window glues blue-gray color and paste them strips of white cardboard.
Garage: 8.5 x 7 cm – 2 pieces, 13 x 7 cm – 2 pieces. Glue the walls and plastered with their strips of white cardboard. Painted in pink color.
Manufacturer of windows: cut rectangles with a blue-gray paper 1.5 x 3.5 cm – 9 units, 1.5 x 2.5 cm – 4 pieces. Thin strips share the window. The perimeter paste 3 mm strips.
Glue the house of three parts and glued to the base – chipboard.
terraces Manufacturing: from a rough cardboard doing frame terraces length 18 cm, width – 7 cm and a height – 2 cm Cut ledge on the size of his house..
Glue to the house and terrace basis.
Cut and glue the rung of the ladder for the terrace length of 6 cm and a width of 1.2 cm. The paste printed their texture tile. Also, we produce rung of the ladder in front of the front door.
The foundation, along with a terrace paste texture decorative stones. We print the entrance and garage doors and glue.
Manufacturing of a roof above the garage: cardboard cut from a rough triangle average size – 15 x 13.5 x 13,5sm, Side rectangular – 13.5 x 10 x 9 cm, with a front cut – 13.5 x 14.5. +. section of the form. Glue and paste roof texture tiles
Glue on the back of the garage and small windows.
Paste on house blind area perimeter – a cardboard strip 2 cm wide.
Production of the winter garden: a transparent plastic packing cut rectangle of 16 x 6 cm bend it by bending of 3 cm on both sides and glued over strips of paper cherry.. Glue on the terrace of the house.
Cut roof 11 x 5 cm, paste texture tile top, and bottom -. White cardboard.
Railings: manufacture columns width of 2 mm and a height of 2.2 cm is glued in their cherry paper strip at a distance of 2.2 cm from each other, and sticking strips crosswise… Glue to the terrace and on the balcony.
Roof Manufacture: from a rough cut cardboard roof – 28 x 25 cm and bend its short side. To cut a pentagon extension with the front side – 19 cm side – 3.5 cm, the average fold line – 9 cm. All the roof tiles texture paste.
We produce beam size -. 1 x 0.5 x 13 cm and stick them under the roof.
Decorate the corners of the roof. Glue the window. Paste the pavement of the blind area around the house. We produce tall chimneys 6, and 7 cm on the long side, and a width of 2 to 3 cm, thickness – 0.5 cm.
Consider a house with all sides
courtesy: stranamasterov