How to make ribbon flower

ribbon flower

You will need tape width 1cm, beads, thread.

Cut the ribbon into five strips in s see. Cut off the corners.

ribbon flower

Mark the middle lobe.

ribbon flower

Basting stitch to stitch along the edge of the petals, while in the middle lobe of the stitch must be greater than all the others, as if to form a crease. Here, on the reverse side can be clearly seen.

ribbon flower

Important: The crease should always be on the wrong side.

ribbon flower

Connect all the petals.

ribbon flower

ribbon flower

Pull the thread.

ribbon flower

Sew a bead, or embroider French knot finish in the middle of the flower.

ribbon flower

ribbon flower

Here, in the composition.

ribbon flower

The case for glasses.

ribbon flower

Thanks to everyone who looked !!!

ribbon flower

ribbon flower

courtesy: stranamasterov