Airplanes from Plasticine : It’s no secret that every child loves to do manual work: draw, design, sculpt. It is these activities that allow the child to express themselves, to show imagination. Particular delight in children are caused by airplanes from plasticine. To sculpt such crafts is a pleasure! In addition, they can later be used in the game.
Airplanes from Plasticine
Variety of materials for modeling
- Ordinary clay in domestic production. This clay is perfect for making crafts by children of school age, but for very young creators preparation for work will be difficult. This clay is hard, and it will be difficult to prepare (warm it up and warm it up) for work to the kid on its own. And although the crafts made of it and get strong, but the dull color, which is typical for this kind of plasticine, makes the work unremarkable.
- Imported plasticine is characterized by softness and color saturation. It does not get dirty during the work of hands, it is easy to clean from clothes. The disadvantage is that the artifacts from it are not too strong, they quickly lose shape, the details do not connect well with each other.
- The wax clay is well glued, soft in work. Colors are bright, do not leave dirt. Piece of plasticine is best stored in individual packaging, as they easily stick together.
How to create a masterpiece with your own hands? Instructions for the
manufacture of aircraft from plasticine
We bring to your attention several variants of step-by-step master classes of modeling planes with children. The proposed options will be able to interest not only the small amateurs of creativity, but will be interesting even for teenagers.
With children of younger age it is best to sculpt crafts made of wax soft plasticine. The kid needs to be shown how to make every detail of the aircraft. At the same time, the performance of the parts should not cause the child special difficulties, since the motor skills of the children are not yet developed, and modeling of small details can cause certain difficulties. Therefore, we suggest using the step-by-step instruction with the photo:
War plane
The principle of modeling a military aircraft is similar to the above. But there are some subtleties in the preparation of plasticine “military” gamma:
- To achieve the desired coloring, it is required to roll cylinders of blue-green and yellow wisps.
- Then wrap the bundle around the cylinder and knead the workpiece in order to get an imitation of the military coloring.
- Small red balls are flattened and with the help of a clerical knife we cut out asterisks.
- We mold the screw from the plasticine green, the screw from the white, and the cabin.
Subsequently, you will only have to combine the finished parts and enjoy the toy you got!
Passenger aircraft
To schoolboys already quite under force to model modeling models of the plane is more difficult. They can offer to dazzle a passenger plane.
Material Required
- plasticine white and blue colors;
- set of stacks;
- juice straw;
- an oilcloth on a table.
- A bar of white plasticine is stretched in the hands. Form out of it an oblong sausage – this is a craft case. From the front, you should press down from the top near the edge. From the blue plasticine roll 12 small balls (portholes), the middle ball for the bow and a flat semicircle (imitation of glass in the cabin).
- We glue all the blanks. The semicircle is glued to the recess of the body and gently squashed and smoothed. For 6 pieces of small balls-portholes we have
- on each side and press a little (flattening to a thick cake). The middle ball is attached to the bow of the body and also slightly smoothed.
- We prepare the details for the wings and tail of the model. To do this, using a stack, we cut out rectangular pieces with sloping sides from 0.55 cm plasticine cakes. On the wings we add thin blue strips:
- Tightly press down to the bottom of the base and the tail of the 3 wings.
Bottom on the wings and on top on the tail we have small cylinders made by means of a tube – turbines. - The last step in the work will achieve maximum strength of the product. The finished product must be wrapped in a plastic bag or food film and placed in a freezer for several hours. The figure will become firm and will not break.
Now you can play with it or give as a souvenir.
The principle of manufacturing a helicopter is similar. First we prepare separate details, then we connect in the necessary sequence. The only difference is that the chassis of the helicopter is of round shape and there are 2 propellers. By combining the blanks, we get another kind of air transport.
Transportation of plasticine and natural material
In the modeling of air transport models, natural material (cones, acorns, chestnuts, maple seeds, twigs, etc.) can also be used. The photo shows some models made with cones and acorns.
Semi-professional models
Older students, keen on modeling, can make their own model of the fighter by hand, even the internal device of the model. Work though laborious, requiring special attention and assiduity, but the result is worth it. Such crafts can take a worthy place in any collection of air transport.
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