How to make Christmas Lamp from empty cans

Do you know how to create yourself a festive New Year mood with the help of an ordinary empty jar? Do not know? Yes Easy!

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder-2_thumb (600x600, 745Kb)

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder_thumb (500x700, 523Kb)



First we need to clean Washed Bank of suitable size. It will take a little bit of white acrylic paint and a piece of sponge to apply the paint to the bank and create a frosty snow-covered effect. To enhance the effect thereof can add another large salt and PVA glue

Now print out the template in size banks.

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder-template-1_thumb (600x384, 104Kb)

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder-template-2_thumb (600x302, 98Kb)



But further variants are possible: the first – place the template into the banks, fasten with tape and paint on glass surface contours of black acrylic. The second option – Cut out paper template of black paper and pasted it over the banks

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder-3_thumb (600x300, 410Kb)

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Christmas-Township-candle-jar_thumb (600x600, 629Kb)



In any case, all the finishing work is carried out on the outside of the can. Inside, it should be only a candle. It turns out absolutely fireproof, right? But it is very impressive!

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Township-Candle-Holder-1_thumb (600x600, 799Kb)

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Christmas-Township-Candle-Jar-2_thumb (600x600, 822Kb)

Shabby-Art-Boutique-Christmas-Township-Candle-Jar-the-scoop_thumb (600x600, 833Kb)




courtesy: liveinternet

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