How To Make Plastic Bottle Flowers (Tutorial)

Plastic Flowers are so easy to make and really pretty! You can hang them, make a garland, or add them to your decor! It is very fun and easy while using your plastic bottles! Hope you Enjoy!

How To Make Pretty Plastic Bottle Flowers – DIY Crafts

Empty Plastic Bottle Vase Making Craft – Handmade flower vase

We take a bottle, cut off the top with a neck, cut out a flower, you can have different shapes.

Flowers from bottles

Flowers from bottles

This is the middle for a flower Flowers from bottles.

Flowers from bottles

We put it in the vault and it turns out narcissus Flowers from bottles.

Flowers from bottles

Now you can color the flower

Flowers from bottles

Here is your flower

Flowers from bottles

Flowers from bottles

Flowers from bottles

Flowers from bottles

DIY Pink Felt Rose Flower Wind Chimes for Home Décor

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