Learn to make Paper Lillies
Materials needed-
- Construction paper of pink, green ans yellow colors.
- Scissors
- Glue
- skewers(optional)
- Scissors
- Yellow pencil color or any other form of color.
We need to cut strips of green to wrap arround or skewers or simply roll it to form a stick like structure. Now cut 6 petals from pink paper.Color the pink petals partly with the yellow color pencil.Take a piece of rectangular yellow paper and fold it to form the below shape. Stick a piece of pink to the open endNow cut fringes on it, roll it and stick.Cut and keep tiny green triangles. Now take the petals and stick them partly overlaying each other as shown below. Leave out sticking 6th petal back on first for now.Place the pollen part at the centre of the petals and close the sixth petal. You may need to cut the petals very slightly at the bottom to make space for the pollens.The flower is ready. Stick it to the base of on of the skewers and paste the tiny green triangles like below. When dry slightly turn them outwards.Cut long green strips pointy at one end and stick to the stem a few inches below the flower.Now for the second version. Cut smaller petals of yellow and get to the following stage.We only need 5 petals of yellow. I had to remove one of them in the end.Now stick the pollens to the yellow flower and seal the yellow flower. Place this in the pink flower and seal it. Now stick them on the skewer. Apply leaves and it is ready!Add some twist by rolling the pink petals backwards. It even enhances the yellow flower!
Source : DiyCraftsForHome
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