Create amazing plastic/polythene printable flower art with this engaging tutorial. Ignite your child’s creativity and foster their appreciation for nature through this unique DIY project.

Free your child’s creativity with this amazing plastic/polythene printable flower art tutorial. Combining vibrant colors, unique textures, and a touch of nature, this engaging DIY project promises hours of artistic exploration and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.

Polythene Printable Flower Crafts  For Kids


Must Read: Polythene Impression Flowers Painting Tutorial For Beginners

Supplies & Tools

  • White Sheet
  • Polythene
  • Watercolors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Brown)
  • Brushes
  • Earbuds

Plastic Polythene Printable Flower Instructions

Step #1: Beginning With The Art

Beginning With The Art

First, I am taking a white sheet, watercolors, and polythene. Take a polythene add some air and tie the polythene. Then, take a red watercolor dip the bottommost part of the polythene, and stamp it on the white sheet. Repeat these steps with different different colors. Here, I am using orange, yellow, red, and  make a flower-like structure with the help of polythene.

Step #2: Complete The Flowers

Complete With The Flowers

By repeating the above step complete the flower art.

Step #3: Make The Center Part Of The Flower

Make The Center Part Of The Flower

After completing the flowers begin with the center part of first paint the middle part of all the flowers with the yellow watercolor and then use earbuds, dip the earbuds in the brown color, and then stamp some dots on the center of the flower.

Step #4: Make Steams Of The Flower

Make Steams To The Flower

Complete the center part of every flower. Then, begin with the steam part for that dip your brush into green color and draw a line from the bottom of every flower till the sheet ends.

Step #5: Paint Leaves With The Steams

Paint Leaves With The Steams

Now, paint the leaves too with the stems with the help of green watercolor.

Wow! Your Amazing Plastic Polythene Printable Flower Art Is Ready

Wow! Your Amazing Plastic Polythene Printable Flower Art Is Ready

In the end, draw leaves but two types of leaves one was smaller than the other. And finally, your beautiful cum Amazing Plastic Polythene Printable Flower Art craft is ready

Finally! Your craft is ready.

Craft stunning plastic/polythene printable flowers with this captivating step-by-step tutorial. This nature-inspired DIY project is a wonderful way to nurture your child’s artistic skills, fine motor development, and connection to the wonders of the plant kingdom.

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