Learn how to create a beautiful straw print flower painting with this fun and easy tutorial for kids. Using simple materials like paint, paper, and straw, children can explore their creativity and create their unique masterpieces.

Creating art with kids is a fun and rewarding activity that allows them to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills. In this tutorial, we will be learning how to make beautiful flower paintings using straw prints. This simple and unique technique involves blowing paint through a straw to create whimsical and colorful flower shapes. With just a few supplies and some imagination, kids can create masterpieces that they will be proud to display. Let’s dive in and get started on this fun and interactive art project!

Attractive Straw Print Flower Painting Art

Straw Print Flower Painting Art Tutorial For Kids

Must Read: Chrysanthemum Flower Easy Painting Tutorial

Supplies & Tools

  • Scissors
  • Pink Paper Cup
  • Watercolor (Green, Red, Yellow)
  • Glue
  • Earbud
  • White Drawing Sheet
  • Earbuds

Straw Print Flower Painting Procedure

Step #1: Taking Red Watercolor & A Straw

Taking Red Watercolor & A Straw

First, take a red watercolor & a straw. Now, cut one end into strips using scissors & dip the cut end of the straw into the red watercolor.

Step #2: Making Flowers

Making Flowers

First, take a white drawing sheet & make a flower on it using a straw dipped into the red watercolor as shown in the above image.

Step #3: Making More Flowers

Making More Flowers

Make some more flowers by following the same process.

Step #4: Drawing Flower Stem

Drawing Flower Stem

Take a green watercolor & an earbud. Dip the earbud into the green color & draw a curvy line under the flower that shows the flower’s stem.

Step #5: Drawing Some More Stems

Drawing Some More Stems

Follow the same process & draw some more stems.

Step #6: Making Flower Pistil

Making Flower Pistil

Take a yellow watercolor & dip a fresh earbud into it & dap it at the center of the flower called a pistil.

Step #7: Applying Glue On Half Cut Paper Cup

Applying Glue On Half Cut Paper Cup

Next, take a pink color paper cup & cut it vertically into half& apply glue on the half-cut part.

Beautiful Straw Print Flower Painting Is Completed Here!

Beautiful Straw Print Flower Painting Is Completed Here!

Complete the craft by pasting a half-paper cup on the bottom end of the stems.

This beautiful flower painting is completed here. I hope you have completed this without any difficulty. If you want to make some other craft then visit our other websites you can find unlimited ideas there. You could show this craft to your friends they will be excited to see it. Share your opinion about this craft in the comment section & never stop here get ready to make another creative craft. Keep trying & learning new things to explore yourself.

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