Learn to weave at home is possible using the primitive homemade machine made by means of ordinary planks and nails of the same size. It can be woven decoration on the wall of colored thread, which will add a cheerful note to the laconic and restrained interior.
We need to create a woven decoration: a board with nails or ready weaving mini-machine, yarn for knitting of various colors and patterns, the thick needle for yarn, wooden fork to seal the woven layers.
And it is ready to weave a mini-suite. Pull the thread to the machine base, as shown in the photo. Tie the bottom of the brush, which will create a fringe. Begin to weave, alternating yarns of different colors. To do so is to use the large needle with a wide eye – Thread the yarn through the eye and confuse the thread stretched between the main thread. Wooden tool Tighten woven series. You can use a common plug. In the middle, you can also add decorative brush contrasting color. All nodes confuse and hide from the wrong side.
When you’re done, cut the warp threads and tangle them between rows of colored transverse threads.
Keep the beautiful shape of the product will stick to hang – it can be anything. Creative imagination!