Use up the waste materials to make a learning and healthy craft! This tutorial has a bubble wrap pomegranate fun craft for you! 

Doing crafts is a great way to teach young children! They find it interesting and it encourages them to use their imagination! This pomegranate craft is a fun and productive activity that will also teach kids about the benefits of pomegranates! Plus, they will be more likely to eat them without having a temper tantrum! This craft uses materials that are usually considered waste, making it a great example of recycling! Keep reading to learn how to make it with us!

Easy Bubble Wrap Pomegranate Artwork Craft

Bubble Wrap Pomegranate Artwork Craft Tutorial

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Supplies & Tools

  • Bubble Wrap
  • Scissors
  • Double-sided Tape
  • Circular Cardboard
  • Paintbrush
  • Black Marker
  • Paint Colors (White, Red, Pink, And Yellow)

Bubble Wrap Craft Instructions

Step #1: Pasting A Circle

Pasting A Circle- Directions for making a pomegranate-themed artwork using bubble wrap

Begin this craft by taking a circular cardboard as the base of the craft and bubble wrap. Cut out a circle from the bubble wrap using scissors and paste it over the base on the right side using double-sided tape. See the image for reference.

Step #2: Pasting A Crescent Shape And Painting

Pasting A Crescent Shape And Painting- Step-by-step guide to constructing a pomegranate-themed artwork using bubble wrap

Using scissors cut out another circle of relatively bigger size and then cut it out in a crescent shape. Paste the crescent shape beside the circle on the left, leaving a little gap in the middle, using double-sided tape.

Now, take a paintbrush and dip it into pink paint, and then paint over the bubble wrap cut-outs. make sure to paint from the boundaries of the cutouts. These will be the pomegranates in your craft.

Step #3: Shading The Pomegranates

Shading The Pomegranates- A guide to creating a pomegranate-themed artwork with bubble wrap

Dip the paintbrush into red paint and paint in the middle of the pomegranates to shade it with the pink paint from the boundaries. See the image for reference.

Step #4: Outlining The Pomegranates

Outlining The Pomegranates- Learn how to make a pomegranate-themed artwork using bubble wrap

Dip your paintbrush into yellow paint and outline the pomegranates on the base. This will be the cover of the pomegranates.

Step #5: Completing The Cover Of The Pomegranates

Completing The Cover Of The Pomegranates- Tutorial for crafting a pomegranate-themed art piece using bubble wrap

Dip the paintbrush in red paint and again make the boundary of pomegranates to shade the yellow paint with red. Also, make small curved strokes over the top of the cover to make the crown over the pomegranates from the pink, yellow, and red color mix. See the image for reference.

Step #6: Making A Basket

Making A Basket- Tutorial for creating a pomegranate-themed art piece with bubble wrap

Grab a black marker and use it to make the basket beneath the pomegranates to make the pomegranates look like being kept in the basket. See the image for reference.

Step #7: Detailing The Basket

Detailing The Basket- How to make a pomegranate-themed artwork out of bubble wrap

Using the marker,  make criss-cross lines in the basket and vertical lines on the base of the basket. Also, thicken the boundary of the basket as shown in the image.

Step #8: Making Fallen Pomegranate Seeds

Making Fallen Pomegranate Seeds- Making a pomegranate-themed artwork with bubble wrap instructions

Paint the tip of your finger with pink paint and a little white paint. Impress your fingertip randomly beneath the pomegranates, in the basket and outside it to make some fallen seeds of the pomegranate.

This Is The Final Look Of Your Bubble Wrap Pomegranates In Basket!

This Is The Final Look Of Your Bubble Wrap Pomegranates In Basket!- Directions for constructing a pomegranate-themed art piece using bubble wrap

Congratulations! You have finally made your pomegranates in a basket!

Pomegranate has an immense number of nutrients and health benefits and through this craft-making, I’m sure the kids will now eat them without showing tantrums! You should decorate this craft, either in the kitchen or in your kids’ room to have a reminder to eat healthy every day as well as a wall decor! You can also, use this craft for yor school project on fruits! Your teacher will surely love your craftwork!

Hope you liked the article! Share it as much as you can to keep us motivated in bringing more such crafts for you! Also, give your feedback in the comments section below!

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