Explore a thread-weaving umbrella decor craft step-by-step tutorial to weave an umbrella. This activity is for you to learn a new technique.

 Easy Thread Weaving Umbrella Decor Craft

Thread Weaving Umbrella Decor Craft Tutorial

Must Read: Weaving Basket: Jute Thread Craft Tutorial

Tools & Supplies

  • A Plain White Sheet
  • A Pair Of Scissors
  • A Plas
  • Thin Plastic Sticks
  • A Hot Glue Gun
  • White And Blue Thread
  • An Artificial Flower

Thread Weaving Umbrella Instructions

Step #1: Cut Out Circles

Cut Out Circles - Instructions for making an artful umbrella using thread weaving techniques

By using the plain white sheet and a pair of scissors, cut out two small circles.

Step #2: Bend A Stick

Bend A Stick - Step-by-step tutorial for producing a decorative umbrella with thread weaving

By using a plas, bend a stick from its midpoint. One bend would be the handle of the umbrella.

Step #3: Attach the Stick

Attach the Stick - Learn how to fashion an attractive umbrella with thread weaving techniques

Attach the stick with one of the cut circles. Attach by poking a hole in between the circle. Secure it with the help of a hot glue gun.

Step #4: Paste Another Stick

Paste Another Stick - Creating a stunning umbrella with thread weaving methods

Take another stick and cut it from its midpoint. Paste it on the circle at 180° with respect to the previous stick.

Step #5: Paste Two More Sticks

Paste Two More Sticks - Construct a beautiful umbrella with thread weaving techniques

Paste two more sticks so that it is a plus.

Step #6: Paste Four More Sticks

Paste Four More Sticks - Guide to creating a unique umbrella with thread weaving

Paste four more sticks. Paste each stick between two previously pasted sticks. In this way, it would look like a star pattern.

Step #7: The Second Circle

The Second Circle - How to make a stunning umbrella with thread weaving

Now, paste the second circle on the pasted sticks. In this way, the sticks would be covered. This would give it a clean look.

Step #8: Start Weaving

Start Weaving - Crafting a lovely umbrella using thread weaving techniques

Now, start weaving from the handle of the umbrella. Just wrap the thread around the handle.

Step #9: Wrap It Further

Wrap It Further - Learn the art of thread weaving to make a decorative umbrella

Wrap the thread around the circle.

Step #10: Weave It On the Sticks

Weave It On the Sticks - Tutorial for making an eye-catching umbrella with thread weaving

Now, continue to weave the sticks. Weave the thread covering two sticks at a time and wrap the thread around the stick as you weave.

Step #11: Keep Doing It

Keep Doing It - Guide to Making a Threaded Umbrella Ornament

Weave in this manner, make sure that the thread is not loosely weaved.

Step #12: Bend the Sticks

Bend the Sticks - Instructions for Weaving an Umbrella Design

By using the plas, bend all the sticks except the handle downwards. This is to give the roof of the umbrella an appropriate shape.

Step #13: Blue Thread

Blue Thread - How to Create a Threaded Umbrella Embellishment

Start weaving a blue thread. In this way, the umbrella would look vibrant.

Step #14: Keep Weaving

Keep Weaving - Steps to Fabricate a Threaded Umbrella Decoration

Keep weaving the blue thread in the same manner, and make sure that the thread is not loosely weaved.

Step #15: Weave White Thread

Weave White Thread - Tutorial for Threading a Patterned Umbrella

After weaving the blue thread, weave some white thread to make a color contrast pattern.

Step #16: Paste An Artificial Flower

Paste An Artificial Flower - Tutorial for a Decorative Threaded Umbrella

Now, take an artificial flower and paste it on the top of the umbrella, paste it on the circle.

Step #17: Secure It

Secure It - Crafting an Umbrella Design with Thread

Make sure that there is no loosely woven thread. And, everything is pasted properly.

Thread Weaving Umbrella Decor Craft Tutorial – For Kids

Thread Weaving Umbrella Decor Craft Tutorial - For Kids - Learn How to Make a Threaded Umbrella Decor

With this, you have come to the end of the thread-weaving umbrella decor craft tutorial. This was a good learning experience for kids as they learned about weaving. Making an umbrella by weaving the thread must be fascinating for kids 9-14 years of age. This umbrella looks very vibrant and adorable. The artificial flower is indeed adding value. Kids have learned about a new mechanism from this tutorial, they have also learned about weaving.

Hope you liked this thread-weaving umbrella decor step-by-step tutorial. Don’t forget to share your comments and inform us about your experience. Make sure to revisit our website!

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