Looking for a fun craft activity for kids? Check out our Orange Peels Emoji Funny Craft Tutorial! This tutorial will guide you and your little ones on how to create hilarious emoji faces using orange peels. From smiley faces to silly expressions, this craft is sure to bring a smile to your child’s face. 

Welcome to our orange peels emoji funny craft tutorial for kids! Are you looking for a fun and creative activity to keep your little ones entertained? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will show you how to turn ordinary orange peels into adorable emoji faces. Not only is this craft easy to make, but it also encourages recycling and teaches children about the importance of reducing waste. So gather your orange peels and let’s get started on this exciting and imaginative craft project!

Humorous Orange Peels Emoji Craft For Kids

 Orange Peels Emoji Funny Craft Tutorial For Kids

Must Read: Emoji Paper Plate Crafts for Kids

Supplies And Tools

  • Orange  Peel
  • Scissors
  • Red/Black Marker
  • Glue
  • White & Green Craft Paper

Funny Emoji Instructions

Step #1: Working With Orange Peel

Working With Orange Peel

Take a white craft paper & cut it into a round shape using scissors. Then take an orange peel and cut it into a round shape. Now, paste the round-shaped peel on the craft paper.

Step #2: Pasting Orange Peels

Pasting Orange Peels

Now, cut some more orange peel circles and paste them on the craft paper.

Step #3: Making Paper Leaves

Making Paper Leaves

Take a piece of green craft paper & cut it into little two-leaf shapes that represent orange leaves. Attach these two leaves to the top of the orange peel.

Step #4: Drawing Eyes

Drawing Eyes

Use a black marker to draw eyes on the orange peel that should resemble the above emoji.

Step #5: Drawing Hands

Drawing Hands

Then draw a funny face and blush on the orange peel using black & red markers. Now, draw the hands of the emoji on the craft base using a black marker.

Step #6: Detailing Other Remaining Peel Emojis

Detailing Other Remaining Peel Emojis

Now, draw the legs of the emoji using a black marker. Then follow the same steps as above to make other remaining emojis.

This Is The Final Look Of Your Funny Orange Peels Emojis!

This Is The Final Look Of Your Funny Orange Peels Emojis!

Draw some musical symbols on the craft base using a black marker & also draw some spirals using a red marker.

Tada! You have created your artwork successfully! See all the funny emojis dancing and having fun!

Our orange peels emoji funny craft is ended here. Through the use of simple materials like orange peels, this tutorial encourages kids to think outside the box and find beauty in unexpected places. Moreover, by transforming waste into art, children develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and learn valuable lessons about reusing and repurposing. Overall, this craft tutorial is a perfect combination of fun and education, providing children with a memorable and enjoyable experience. Don’t miss to drop your response in the comment section. If you want to try some new crafts using orange peel then you could visit our other websites where you find unlimited craft ideas.

Thanks for visiting us! Have a nice day!

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