Learn how to paint a simple cactus painting using detailed instructions from our tutorial this simple cactus painting is perfect for beginners.
Welcome to this cactus painting tutorial! In this tutorial, we will show you how to paint an easy cactus painting with a hand print. This painting is a super easy painting, which is suitable for preschool kids and beginners. Using craft paper and acrylic paint, learn how to paint simple cactus painting effortlessly. Let’s start!
Cactus Painting Using Hand Impression For Kids
Must Read: How to make cactus wall decor from paper
Supplies & Tools
- White Color Craft Paper
- Scissors
- Acrylic Paint (Green, Brown, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Blue)
- Piece Of Cardboard Sheet
Cactus Painting Instructions
Step #1: Dipping Hand On Green Color Acrylic Paint
Cut your white color craft paper into circle shape. Pour green color acrylic paint in paper plate and dip your kids or your hand on that green color paint.
Step #2: Painting Hand Print On Craft Paper
Then, place your hand in the center of your craft paper to paint outline of hand.
Step #3: Cutting Cardboard Sheet And Applying Brown Paint On It
Cut a small piece of cardboard sheet and apply brown color acrylic paint at one end of cardboard sheet.
Step #4: Painting Flower Pot Using Cardboard Sheet
After applying brown paint on cardboard sheet, paint a line under hand print as shown in the image.
Step #5: Drawing V Using Brown Paint To Complete Flower Pot
Then, using same piece of cardboard sheet, draw V under hand print as shown.
Step #6: Putting Green Color Dots Around Hand Print
Now, dip your index finger in green acrylic paint and put few small dots around cactus(hand print).
Step #7: Putting Colorful Dots Around Cactus
Also, using orange, blue, and yellow colors, put colorful dots around your cactus as shown in the image.
Step #8: Putting Red Color Dots
Also, put some red color dots around your cactus. Then, put a few red and green dots under the left and right sides of your cactus pot.
Our Easy Hand Impression Cactus Painting Is Over!
That’s all our simple cactus painting is done! This super easy painting is appropriate for kids under 5 years and also beginners can try this fun craft. Paint this cactus painting with your kids and have fun.
Hope this hand impression cactus painting tutorial is useful for you. We would like to read your thoughts about this tutorial in the comment section. For more craft and art tutorials like this, visit our website.
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