Explore artificial sunflowers: ribbon craft step-by-step tutorial for kids to have fun. This activity awaits you to learn a new technique.

Adorable Artificial Sunflowers Ribbon Craft For Kids

Artificial Sunflowers: Ribbon Craft Tutorial For Kids

Must Read: Ribbon Blooming Flower Craft Tutorial For Kids

Supplies & Tools

  • Yellow and Brown Ribbons
  • A Pair of Scissors
  • A Lighter
  • A Plastic Stick
  • A Double-Sided Tape

Artificial Sunflowers Instructions

Step #1: Collecting Ribbons

Collect Ribbons - Instructions for making a Ribbon Craft Sunflower with Children

Take the required ribbons, which are, yellow and brown colored.

Step #2: Taking The Ribbon Out

Take The Ribbon Out - Guide for Crafting a Ribbon Sunflower with Children

Take a ribbon out and wrap it around a card in order to measure the standard width of the ribbon strips.

Step #3: Cutting It

Cut It - Step-by-Step Directions for Making an Artificial Sunflower with Kids

Cut into strips of equal dimensions and fold them lengthwise.

Step #4: Shaping It

Shape It - A Tutorial to Show Kids How to Create a Ribbon Sunflower

Now, shape all the strips into the shape of the petals of the sunflower. Hold it in half and cut it from one end the way shown in the picture.

Step #5: Sticking Together Using Lighter

Use Lighter - Helping Children Make an Artificial Sunflower Using Ribbons

With the help of the lighter, burn the held part to stick it together.

Step #6: Securing It

Secure It - How to Teach Kids to Construct a Ribbon Sunflower

Make sure it is stuck properly. Hold it from the unburnt end keeping the burnt portion down.

Step #7: Folding It Again

Fold It Again - A Sunflower Craft with Ribbons For Kids

Fold it from the inburnt part inwards.

Step #8: Using The Lighter Again

Use The Lighter Again - Kids' Guide to Constructing a Ribbon Sunflower

Now, use the lighter again to burn the folded part and secure it.

Step #9: Making a Petals

Petal - Crafting a Ribbon Sunflower with Kids

It should look like a petal. Make a bunch of these petals.

Step #10: Taking Brown Ribbon & Apply Double Sided Tape

Brown Ribbon - Making an Artificial Sunflower with Children and Ribbons

Now, take the brown ribbon and apply the double-sided on it lengthwise.

Step #11: Removing the Tape & Then Folded It

Remove The Tape Paper - Tutorial for Children to Make Fake Sunflowers with Ribbon

Remove the tape paper and paste it all together.

Step #12: Cutting The Ribbon Into Frills

Use Scissors - Step-by-Step Instructions for Little Ones to Craft Artificial Sunflowers

Now, by using the scissors, cut the ribbon into frills.

Step #13: Wrapping The Brown Ribbon On the Plastic Stick

The Plastic Stick - Guide for Youngsters to Create Sunflowers from Ribbon

Wrap the brown ribbon around the tip of the plastic stick.

Step #14: Wrapping It Properly

Wrap It Properly - Learn How Kids Can Create Sunflower Artwork with Ribbon

Wrap the ribbon properly around the plastic stick. This would be the disk flowers of the sunflower.

Step #15: Assembling The Petals

Start Assembling - Crafting Sunflowers with Ribbon–A Guide for Kids

Now, start by assembling the petals on the disk flowers.

Step #16: Pasting Petals in Circle Way

Paste In Circle - Instructions for Kids to Assemble Sunflowers with Ribbon

Paste the petals into a circle first.

Step #17: Go For The Lower Region

Go For The Lower Region - Sunflowers Made from Ribbons–A Tutorial for Kids

Now, paste the petals just below the first layer of petals in a circle.

Artificial Sunflowers: Ribbon Craft Tutorial – For Kids

Artificial Sunflowers: Ribbon Craft Tutorial - For Kids - Directions for Youngsters to Make Sunflowers Using Ribbon

With this, you have come to the end of the artificial sunflowers: ribbon craft tutorial. This was a good learning experience for kids as they learned about the possible usage of ribbons in crafting. This craft idea would teach students about a new craft skill, they will end up polishing their skills. This must be fascinating for kids of 9-14 years of age. This activity must be performed under the supervision of an adult. Kids have learned about a new mechanism from this tutorial. They can use it as room decor.

Hope you liked this artificial sunflowers: ribbon craft tutorial. Do not forget to share your comments and inform us about your experience. Make sure to revisit our website!

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